Tag Archive | caregiver

Breakfast round 2


As thought, when going in to take the emply bowl that once housed earlier said melon I ask “still hungry, want an egg & sausage biscuit” she replyed ” my yes”. And you’ll notice ( I didn’t til looking at the pic pryor to posting) there’s another wet nap hanging up to dry with a stack of 3 fresh paper towels just under that. When asked about the reply was a frustrating jewel ” oh yeah I was going to throw that away”. But the trash can is but a foot to the left and down. He sighs,,, more to come…….

Honeydew melon in the morning


Amazing how something’s are so easy yet what would seem to be easyer appear to be more difficult. Confused,,, me too! Moms gone from barley wanting/willing to eat a slice or two of toast to this and when she finishes this half a honey dew melon she will happily skarff down a biscuit with sausage & egg. But still can’t get her to throw away dirty paper towels or used wet wipe. The mind is such a tricky critter; the journey down this side stream of life contiunes. More to come…….